Information Literacy is crucial in recognizing and slowing the dissemination of Fake News. In today's new information age, fake news has become an important topic and has increasingly evolved into a crucial element of information literacy. “Fake news” has come to mean different things to different people. It is not just news you don't agree with.
"Fake news" is "fabricated information that mimics news media content in form but not in organizational process or intent. Fake-news outlets, in turn, lack the news media's editorial norms and processes for ensuring the accuracy and credibility of information. Fake news overlaps with other information disorders, such as misinformation (false or misleading information) and disinformation (false information that is purposely spread to deceive people)." [David M. J. Lazer, et al., "The Science of Fake News," Science 09 Mar 2018: Vol. 359, Issue 6380, pp. 1094-1096.].
Infographic created by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions: